Programme & Recordings

Discover our diverse program showcasing panel discussions, workshops, and presentations led by national and international experts and practitioners in the field of disaster preparedness.

Through our programme page, you have access to all recordings from the German Conference on DRR 2024. This includes content from our livestream sessions as well as contributions presented in hybrid or fully virtual formats.
To view a recording of a specific session, simply navigate to the relevant event day and click on the "Re-watch now" button associated with your chosen program item.
Additionally, recordings of all livestream content are available in the menu under "Recording Day 1" and “Recording Day 2". 


The video contains drastic depictions of the effects of the armed conflict and the resulting humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip at the time of the conference.

The German Red Cross (GRC) has been involved in various humanitarian projects in the Palestinian territories for over ten years, particularly in the field of disaster risk reduction. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is therefore one of the longest standing GRC partners on this topic in the MENA region. For the programme item “stories from the field” at the German Conference on DRR, colleagues from the relevant project teams of the PRCS produced a video showing the current working reality of the organization in the context of the armed conflict. The staff’s message to the conference audience: “We wanted to drive your attention to that part of the world in hopes that awareness would save lives not only in Palestine but all over the world, in the end this is the main objective of DRR.”

Due to the current situation in the Palestinian territories, we only received the video contribution at short notice, during the conference, so it could no longer be embedded thematically and technically. Nevertheless, we would like to give you the opportunity to watch the video under the following link: [external link]

Background (as of May 2024):
Since the escalation of the armed conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories from 7 October 2023, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has worsened dramatically. Humanitarian aid workers are increasingly becoming victims of the fighting. We remember the 21 aid workers from our two sister societies who have died in action to date. We extend our deepest respect to them and our sincere sympathy to their families and organisations. (As of 7 May 2024: 17 victims at the Palestinian Red Crescent, 4 at the Magen David Adom in Israel).

Registration and networking while enjoying coffee and snacks


Opening of the German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

The German Red Cross and the Federal Foreign Office will officially open the German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2024.
Christof Johnen

Christof Johnen

German Red Cross

Head of International Cooperation Division

Dr. Peter Reuss

Dr. Peter Reuss

German Federal Foreign Office

Head of Division for Policy Issues in Humanitarian Aid, International Civil Protection and Humanitarian Demining

Stories from the field

Nationally and internationally practitioners will report on their field of work in short contributions. 

Implementation of the German Resilience Strategy: What's the progress?

What progress has been made in implementing the German resilience strategy since the 2022 Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge? How is the further development of the National Platform for Strengthening Resilience to Disasters progressing? And where do we go from here? The presentation will provide answers to these and other questions.

Nina Köksalan

Nina Köksalan

Head of the National Focal Point for the Sendai Framework Germany

Transition to the sessions


Parallel Sessions / Workshops

Lunch break


Beat the Heat

Heatwaves pose a growing threat to human health - especially in cities. This scenario game offers participants an interactive opportunity to take on the role of a Red Cross director and prepare their organisation for a predicted heatwave.
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Panel: Civil Protection at its Limit? Taking Stock of Disaster and Crisis Management

The panel focuses on the practice of disaster preparedness at the local level, highlighting the different sectors, stakeholders, and the growing challenges and the perspective of vulnerable groups in population protection. A key inquiry revolves around whether specific facets or sectors of population protection are already under such strain that they can be deemed fragile—or operating at their limit.
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Thomas Prinzler

Thomas Prinzler


Leon Eckert

Leon Eckert

Deutscher Bundestag

Member for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Marlis Cremer

Marlis Cremer

StädteRegion Aachen

Former Deputy Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Martin Voss

Prof. Dr. Martin Voss

Institute of Geographical Sciences

Professor with Focus on Disaster Research, Head of Disaster Research Unit

Frank Jörres

German Red Cross

Representative for DRR /Member of the board (honorary position) in the GRC district association Prignitz

Introduction to the workshops


Coffee and snacks


Parallel Sessions / Workshops

Closing of the day


Reception and Networking




Stories from the field


Panel: Navigating fragility, conflict, and violence: multi-hazard disaster risk reduction to serve people in armed conflict

The panel will discuss and demonstrate why it is necessary to understand how the link between climate risks and conflict increases people's vulnerability and how and what disaster risk reduction measures can be used to minimize the impact of climate risks and conflict. The ethical component and the impact of media reports on climate and conflict risks will also be a topic of the panel. 
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Catalina Jaime (Moderation)

Catalina Jaime (Moderation)

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

Head of Climate and Conflict

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi

Dr. Abdullah Fahimi

DGAP’s Centre for Climate and Foreign Policy

Research Fellow

Niels Holm-Nielsen

Niels Holm-Nielsen

Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery

Head of GFDRR

Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf

Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, University of Potsdam

Co-Head of Research Department on Earth System Analysis and Professor of Physics of the Oceans

Catherine-Lune Grayson

Catherine-Lune Grayson

International Committee Of The Red Cross

Head of Policy Team

Introduction to the workshops


Coffee and snacks


Parallel Sessions / Workshops

Lunch break


Parallel Sessions / Workshops

Virtual closing panel: Short and long-term needs and ambitions in civil protection and international disaster risk reduction

In an online panel moderated by science journalist Thomas Prinzler, four high-ranking representatives of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, the Multinational Civil-Military Operation, and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development will identify the challenges and needs of the future in national civil protection and international disaster risk reduction, and provide a concise statement on the ambitions of their respective areas of work.
Dr. Elke Löbel

Dr. Elke Löbel

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Director for Refugee Policy and Head of the Department for Refugees and Migration, Crisis Prevention and Crisis Management

Susanne Fries-Gaier

Susanne Fries-Gaier

Federal Foreign Office

Director for Humanitarian Assistance

Oberst i.G. Armin Schaus

Oberst i.G. Armin Schaus

Multinational Civil-Military Cooperation Command


Dr. Christoph Hübner

Dr. Christoph Hübner

Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Community

Deputy Head of the Crisis Management Department

Closing of the German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction


Networking with coffee and cake
